Leaflet Training Framework



LIFE+IMAGINE Training framework

Training is be implemented through an open source e-learning platform.
This platform will offer a training package based on specific and thematic vocational training curricula aiming at maximising the re-use of existing tools and training materials successfully tested in the frame of previous EU funded projects.

Training impact

Our training modules provide to the target audience of LIFE-IMAGINE the advanced skills required to cope with the INSPIRE implementation process and the documentation and the necessary means to interact, benefit and adopt the LIFE-IMAGINE Infrastructure.

Subscribe to the LIFE+IMAGINE Training Modules

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Training offer

The Training Package is organised in the following levels.
Click the Module name to access the complete training Module description (metadata)

Background Knowledge

Introduction to INSPIRE
Basics of INSPIRE Data Specification
Basics of INSPIRE Network Services
Data Harmonisaton
Procedures for Data and Metadata Harmonisation
Examples of data transformation
Metadata and data validation for INSPIRE
Towards the ICT implementation of SEIS

Thematic Knowledge

Risk Management
Geological Data Harmonization

The LIFE+IMAGINE infrastructure

The LIFE+IMAGINE Architecture
The LIFE+IMAGINE web services

Scenarios Application and Use Cases

Soil Consumption calculation and its application at national/municipal level
Landslides impact assessment and specific applications
Integrated Coastal Zone Management and the coastal sediment balance