“Interoperable data for environmental management and planning of coastal zone: the LIFE+IMAGINE experience”
Barcelona, 27 September 2016
9.00 – 10.30
The workshop has the purpose to inform all the participating stakeholders about the LIFE+IMAGINE experience, outreach and results, with particular reference to the use, harmonization and integration of regional, national and European multi-sources data in a context of territorial planning and coastal management.
INSPIRE data harmonization and validation, with particular focus on geological data; multi-sources data integration in the application of methodologies for environmental impact analysis; capacity building and transferability of project results; all of them are topics of this LIFE+IMAGINE workshop.
Main outcomes of the project, that are also presented along the speeches of the proposed workshop, are the following: Methodologies and tools for data harmonisation and validation, in accordance with INSPIRE with reference to the Geology, Natural Risk Zones, Land Cover, Statistical Units, Population Distribution and Demography INSPIRE data themes. Standard methodologies for analysis of impacts by landslides and soil consumption in coastal areas allowing to evaluate the impacts by extreme meteorological events and urbanization phenomena, and helping the definition and the monitoring of indicators to assess present and future planning and to support decision making processes. 3D client and Web Processing Services for environmental applications allowing different users to discover, access, use and reuse spatial data from local to European level. level. Training Framework allowing to access the project training offer, integrating web demonstrations and applications, e-learning tools, training modules and training material.
For detailed programme and information please visit the link: http://inspire.ec.europa.eu/events/conferences/inspire_2016/schedule/submissions/352.html