LIFE+IMAGINE: Integrated management in coastal areas, focus on extreme events and soil consumption
Rome, 21 September 2015
Sala UNICEF – Via Palestro 68
LIFE+IMAGINE is a project co-funded by the LIFE+ Programme Environmental Policy and Governance in the framework of the objective “strategic approaches”.
LIFE+IMAGINE implements an infrastructure based on web services for environmental analysis, integrating in its own architecture multi-source data, including those from the European initiative for Global Monitoring Copernicus.
LIFE+IMAGINE aims to conduct environmental analysis and provide information immediately accessible, such as maps and indicators, useful to the coastal planning and decision making, to the environmental reporting, to the communication and to the scientific dissemination. LIFE+IMAGINE, in a general context of integrated management of the coastal zone, refers to two main scenarios relating to landslides and soil consumption.
The workshop aims to compare different experiences gained in the field of integrated management of coastal areas, highlighting the benefits and potentiality of multidisciplinary approaches.
A programme of the event is available here.