LIFE+IMAGINE implements an infrastructure based on web services for environmental analysis, integrating in its own architecture specifications and results from INSPIRE, SEIS and GMES/Copernicus. Existing web services will be customized during the project to provide functionalities for supporting the integrated management of coastal zones (ICZM).
LIFE+IMAGINE infrastructure is applied for the environmental analysis of two scenarios, aiming at the achievement, in the short-term, of the following results:
Landslides Scenario
- (re)shaping of risk analysis models, based on INSPIRE compliant datasets;
- definition of standard procedures to create landslide risk maps, identifying, for specific meteorological events, the inference area of phenomena occurrence;
- definition of a procedure to evaluate environmental impacts, with a set of indicators to estimate % of population/ territory/infrastructures involved by landslide and/or floods events.
Soil Consumption Scenario
- Production, from multi-sources data, of indicators on the land consumption in coastal areas, incorporating historical information.
- monitoring of changes in Land Cover, Land Use and related soil sealing in the past years.
Mid-term results, derived by the application in integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) of the LIFE+IMAGINE infrastructure, are expected to bring environmental benefits thanks to the availability of new, usable and accessible information to:
- better assess the impacts by landslides and land consumption, by calculating in which measure the investigated zone is affected by these phenomena.
- mitigate the impacts through the prevision and the monitoring of these phenomena.
- improve and, in a longer term, reshape the planning processes, by proposing interventions aimed at removing the impacts.
Pilot sites are for Regione Liguria the Tigullio Area (soil consumption scenario) and the Cinque Terre (landslides scenario) and for Regione Toscana the zone including Lunigiana, Versilia and Garfagnana, where both scenarios will be applied.